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Dutch Country Hits, Vol. 5 - Various Artists

Dutch Country Hits, Vol. 5 - Various Artists

incl. btw, excl. levering


Opnieuw een heerlijk verzamel album met verschillende Nederlandse artiesten en mooie Country songs. (van alle deelnemende artiesten zijn solo albums verkrijgbaar zie shop).

Album is alleen verkrijgbaar via download en streaming media zie bijvoorbeeld shops als:

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/nl/album/dutch-country-hits-vol.-5/id672951256

Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dutch-Country-Hits-Vol-5/dp/B00DW5L2IO

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Various_Artists_Dutch_Country_Hits_Vol_5?id=Bcxff64zmswcdwefyztwwqvoie4&hl=en

Streaming op Spotify: Various Artists – Dutch Country Hits, Vol. 5

Liedjes op het album:

1. Spokane Chiefs - Brand New Cadillac 2. Mike and the Old Hippies - Always Never the Same 3. Charlie Gracie & Phil Friendly - Boogie Woogie Blues 4. Kees Dekker & The Wildcats - I Found A Friend In Alcohol 5. Black Hills Country Band - Thibodeaux And His Cajun Band 6. Andy White - Precious 7. The Speedos - Take Me Home Country Roads 8. The Goldfingers - Wabash Blues 9. Tony Light & The Bell Boys - All Over The Mountain 10. Of Course - Blue Moon Nights 11. Sue Moreno and the Flaming Stars - Oh Baby Baby 12. Papaya & Eddy King - Sweet Memories 13. Ray Montera - This Will Be The Moment 14. The Crocats - Honey Doll 15. Ronny Flohr - When The Snow Falls On The Roses 16. Red Hot & Blue - You´re The One 17. Heartbroke - Wild At Heart 18. Sebastian Lightfoot - And The Birds Are Singing ( Radio Edit)