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The Preachers - Up Jumped The Devil

The Preachers - Up Jumped The Devil

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Dit rockabilly trio uit Engeland speelt heerlijke authentieke rockabilly in rock ’n roll stijl. Het album Up Jumped The Devil bevat bekende rockabilly songs. Aanrader! (bass, vocals - Nick Peck, guitars - Stan J. Standen, drums - Eric Lacube).

Album is alleen verkrijgbaar via download en streaming media zie bijvoorbeeld shops als:

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/nl/album/up-jumped-the-devil-!/id392850517

Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Up-Jumped-Devil-Preachers/dp/B0043HVZRS

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/The_Preachers_Up_Jumped_The_Devil?id=Bsaydwip7by4tz7tqeq4mhqxkfq&hl=nl

Streaming op Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/album/5oCdqAqK7EipcrDPSPGSSR

Streaming op Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/album/703456

Liedjes op het album:

1. Stranger Then Fiction 2. Lovin Touch 3. Baby Jean 4. Break Up 5. Do As I Please 6. I've Got My Eyes On You 7. I'm Sitting On Top Of The World 8. Honey Don't 9. I Need Your Lovin Tonight 10. Up Jumped The Devil